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注意:回答听力部分时, 请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前, 你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到客观题答题卡上。
M: Hello. International Friends Club. Can I help you?
W: Oh, hello. I read about your club in the paper today and I thought I’d phone to find out a bit more.
M: Yes, certainly, well, we’re a sort of social club for people from different countries. It’s quite a new club — we have about 50 members at the moment, but we’re growing all the time.
W: That sounds interesting.
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
例如,现在, 你有5秒钟的时间看试卷上的例题,
M: Excuse me, can you tell me how much the shirt is?
W: Yes, it’s nine fifteen.
现在, 你有5秒钟的时间阅读第1小题的有关内容。
(Text 1)
W: Don’t you feel lonely in this big house now because the children are all away at college?
M: Not really. The children were too noisy. In fact, I enjoy the peace and quiet now.
(Text 2) 
M: May I see the menu? I’ve been waiting for half an hour already.   
W: Sorry. Here you are. I’ll be back for your order in just a minute.    
(Text 3)
M: Your X-ray is back. I’m sorry to say that your ankle is broken. That needs three months for it to recover.
W: Too bad. I guess that means no more soccer this summer! 
(Text 4) 
W: Excuse me, can you tell me how we can get to the Natural History Museum?
M: Sure. Go along this road and turn right at the supermarket, and then walk straight for two blocks to a park. The museum is right across from the park, just next to a bank.  
(Text 5) 
W: Excuse me, where can I find the apartment manager? I need him right now.
M: Sorry, I can’t help you. I’m not familiar with this building.
(Text 6) 
M: James said he bought his new car for $5,000!
W: What kind is it?
M: A BMW — I’m not sure what model.
W: Are you sure? A BMW? Sounds pretty cheap to me!
M: Well, I think that’s what he said.
W: But they don’t make a model for less than $8,000 or $9,000!
M: Well, you’ll have to ask him.
(Text 7) 
M: Hey, Grace, where are you going?
W: Over to a friend’s house. How about you?
M: Oh, I just got off work. I’m so hungry that I could eat a horse.
W: Where are you working now?
M: ABC Company. It’s not satisfactory but I guess I shouldn’t be unhappy. Lots of people are out of work these days.
W: Yeah, that’s true. Well, I’d better let you go get some supper.
M: Yeah. It was great seeing you again. Maybe we could get together sometime.
W: Sounds good. I’ll give you a call.
M: Great. 
(Text 8) 
W: Good morning, Dr. Hampton. May I come in?
M: Of course. How can I be of help?
W: Well, it’s not about school. It’s just that Alan and I wanted to have a few people over for a dinner party to celebrate my new paper, and we’d like to invite you especially, since you’re chairman. Would you be able to come next Saturday?
M: I’d be delighted to. Saturday, did you say?
W: Yeah, if that’s all right for you and your wife Mrs. Hampton. If you could come around 6:30 or 7:00, that would give us time to chat a while over a glass of wine before the 8 o’clock dinner. 
M: That sounds fine. I’ll have to check my schedule with my secretary first, but I’m pretty sure it’ll be all right.  
(Text 9) 
W: What? You’ve made an exercise plan? Tell me about that.
M: Well, first, I will get up every morning at 5:30.
W: Oh, yeah. Since when? You don’t roll out of bed until 10:00 a.m.
M: No, no. On Mondays and Wednesdays I will go running at 7:00 a.m. for about half an hour.
W: Hey, running to the refrigerator for a glass of milk doesn’t count.
M: Of course. Then I will lift weights on Tuesdays and Thursdays for about an hour.
W: Humph.
M: Finally, I will go climbing on Saturdays with my dog. I like climbing because it helps me burn off stress and reduce anxiety that builds up during the week.
W: Oh yeah.
M: As for Fridays, I will just relax at home by watching a movie or inviting you over to visit.
W: If I buy the pizza.
M: But on Sundays, I will take the day off from exercising, but I’ll take my dog for a walk.   
(Text 10) 
M: Hello, everyone. I have something important to tell you. I’ve learnt of a plan to build 300 houses on the land called Parson’s Place by the football ground. Few people know about this new plan to increase the size of our town. For me, Parson’s Place is special because it is a beautiful natural area where local people can relax. It is very quiet because there are few houses or roads nearby. I think that losing this area will be terrible because we have no other similar places in the neighborhood. I am also against this plan because it will cause traffic problems. How will the people from the new houses travel to work? The motorway and the railway station are on the other side of the town. Therefore, these people will have to drive through the town center every time they go anywhere. The roads will always be full of traffic. There will be nowhere to park and the tourists who come to see our lovely old buildings will leave. Shops and hotels will lose business. No doubt the builders will make a lot of money by selling these houses. But, in my opinion, the average person will quickly be made poorer by this plan. As well as this, we will lose a very special place and our town will be much less pleasant. I am going to the local government offices on Monday morning to argue against this plan and I hope that you will join me there. We must make them stop this plan before it is too late.
第二节到此结束。现在, 你有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到客观题答题卡上。
停顿02′00″    听力部分到此结束。
1. C   2. B   3. A   4. C   5. C   6. A   7. B   8. A   9. B   10. A
11. C  12. C  13. A  14. C  15. B  16. A  17. B  18. C  19. B  20. A
A:   CBD /   B:  BDAB  /   C:  CACD   /  D:   CBBA   /  七选五:CFAEG
41-45:BCADC  46-50:BBABD   51-55: CABDC   56-60: ABDBC
61. was called  62. had met   63. other   64. peaceful    65. to
66. reached    67. it        68. better   69. before      70. election  
I went with my Mom to a local store the other day. Just inside the door stood a most 
beautiful bicycle I have ever seen. None of the kids in our town rode one like them.
               had                                            it / that
My Mom must have noticed it. She bent down, asking if or not I liked that bicycle. I 
just nodded. To my greatly surprise, she bought it without hesitate. Later, my Mom 
                great                          hesitation
shared with me her school days. Grandparents had no money for such expensive things as a pencil, but she never dared to ask them for one. Tears filled with Mom’s
so                                       去掉with
eyes whenever she recalled her childhood. She said she would do her best get her
child whichever he wanted. 
Dear Mike,
I am sorry for not checking my e-mail in time and missing your invitation. I am writing to make an apology to you.
The reason why I didn’t reply to you in time was that I was on a trip with my family last weekend. We were in a hurry that I didn’t have time to check my e-mail. When I came back, I checked my e-mail and knew that you had invited me to go camping at the weekend. It is a pity that I missed such a good chance to go out with you. 
I’m terribly sorry for it, so I’d like to make it up for you. What about going camping this weekend, or on a bike trip to Mingyue Mountain? 
I’m looking forward to your reply. 
Li Hua  http://zhongkao.xuecan.net/moniti/yingyu/2506.html