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                       命题:王琦 张爱良 陈娉婷(东湖高中)
Text 1
W: Excuse me. This is the address. How do I find it?
M: Right. You'll need a street map. Here's one, and I'll show you where it is.
Text 2
W: Oh my! My car broke down, and I have to meet my aunt at the railway station before noon.
M: You're lucky. I can drop you off on my way.
Text 3
W: Did you hear that Mr. Peterson is coming next week, Gordon?
M: Yes, so I called all the department heads to my office this morning. We need to give him reports on our program.
Text 4
W: I hope you like the book I lent you. I wasn't sure if you'd be interested.
M: I had the same doubt at first. But once I started, I simply couldn't put it down.
Text 5
W: What is going on? It's May, and we still have to wear warm clothes.
M: Well, there's some good news on the radio. You probably can wear shorts tomorrow.
Text 6
W: Harry, let's play some ping-pong today.
M: I'd love to play a set or two, but my right arm hurts. I've decided to stop playing ping-pong       until it feels better.
W: Well, how about going skating?
M: I'd like to, but my knee hurts, too.
W: Harry, stop making excuses! You're just lazy.
M: No, I'm not! You know, there's a basketball match on TV today. Let's just stay home and watch it.
W: OK. You stay, and I'll play with Helen.
Text 7
W: What do you want to do tonight?
M: How about going to the cinema? I should be home from work at 5:45. Then we can go out and eat before we see a film.
W: What do you want to see?
M: There's a good art film at the Green House Cinema.
W: Let's see…it starts at 6:15. I don't think we can get there in time to see the beginning. How about the action film at the New State Cinema? It starts at 6:50. Perhaps the 7:00 one at the UME Cinema is even better. It stars Jackie Chan.
M: OK, that's fine. I like him, too.
Text 8
M: Hey, Lucy. Do you have some time to talk about next week's trip with me?
W: Sure, Dave.
M: OK. So, we're leaving on Monday from Hartsfield International Airport,
 and returning onFriday. Do we take ourselves to the airport? Maybe we need to book a taxi, or just go by bus.
W: No, we don't have to. The company car will pick us up and take us there.
M: Oh, that's good. When?
W: Our flight leaves at 11:00 a.m., so they should pick us up between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. Besides, the company pays for our trip, including hotel and food.
M: How much will that be?
W: Well, New York is a pretty expensive city. So, each of us will get $200 a day.
M: Oh, OK. Thanks for telling me that.
W: You're welcome.
Text 9
W: Please sit down. Let's see…you're Mr. Smith. Is that correct?
M: Yes. John Smith.
W: And you're interested in this job?
M: Yes, I am. I'll graduate from college the coming June. My major is Chinese.
W: I see. Have you ever done any work in this field?
M: Yes, I used to be a tour guide for Chinese travellers.
W: Good. Now, how much money do you expect to have for a year?
M: From what I've read, it seems that a starting pay would be around $12,000 a year.
W: Here, you would start at $10,500 for the first year…a kind of training period. Then you would go to $15,000.
M: That sounds fair enough. What do you think are the chances for me to get a job here?
W: Well, I'm talking to three people today and four tomorrow. We'll be hiring two people. You'll hear from us sometime next month. Good luck! And thanks for coming in today.
Text 10
M: Well, I'd love to share with you my personal opinions on city life and life in small towns. I grew up in a small town until I was 18 and then moved to a big city, so I have experienced the good and bad sides of both. I never thought that I would like living in a big city, but I was wrong. After ten years of living in one, I can't imagine ever living in a small town again. Surely small towns and big cities both have some problems in terms of transport. In a small town, you have to own a car to make life comfortable. You can't get around without one because there isn't any kind of public transport. Big cities generally have heavy traffic and expensive parking, but there you have a choice of taking public transport, which is cheaper than driving. So, if you don't have a car, you'd better live in the city. I also love the exciting life in big cities. I can always enjoy a lot of films, concerts, and other wonderful shows. However, these things are not common in small towns. The final thing I like about large cities is that you can meet different kinds of people. However, you seldom find such a variety of people in a smaller town. I think that living in an area where everyone was just like me would quickly become dull. Of course, safety should be considered, and that's one area where small towns are better than big cities. Still, I would rather be a bit more careful and live in a large city than to feel safe but dull.
第一部分 听力(共两节;满分30分)
1-5 ABCBA    6-10 BCACA   11-15 ACBCA   16-20 CBCAB
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节;满分40分)
21-25 CBACD  26-30 BABDC  31-35 DACDB   36-40 CFADG
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节;满分45分)
第一节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分;满分30分)
41-45 CDBAB  46-50 CADBC  51-55 DBADB   56-60 BCADC 
第二节 单词填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分;满分15分)
61.on          62.choice     63.to reduce       64. working    65. fewer  
66.that/which   67. are given   68. Similarly      69. themselves  70. if
第四部分 写作
第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)
Mr.Wang is my physics teacher. He has 1.75 meters in height. He was born in November
                             is                              on
 4, 1952. So he is a middle-aged man. He graduated ∧Qinghua University in 1983. After 
graduation, he becomes a middle school teacher. He has been teaching physics for more 
than 30 years.He is very succeed as a teacher. He has been given a lot of honor. He is not only 
                    successful                              honors
a good teacher in physics but also speak English and Russian very well. In his spare time,
he likes reading books, collect stamps and listening to music. Also, Mr.Smith is a kind-heart man.
                   collecting                                      kind-hearted 
第二节 书面表达(满分25分) http://zhongkao.xuecan.net/moniti/yingyu/2296.html
Dear Editor,
Your newspaper is celebrating the 5th Anniversary and you are asking for the readers’ advice. I’m a regular reader of your newspaper. I like it very much mainly for the following two reasons. First, it covers both national and international news so that, by simply turning the pages, I can learn all important things that have happened during the week. Equally attractive are the success stories of world-famous people, which help me understand how a person can work hard to make the world a better place.
   As a young student, I suggest that Global Mirror carry articles to guide us how to learn English well. I hope your newspaper will become more and more popular. 
   Thanks for your time.
                                                                      Li Hua
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