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第三部分D      阳光高考门户 yggk.net 考后首发
第一节 完形填空(30分,每题1.5分)
题   号 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
答   案 A C A C D D C A B B C D A B A B D D B C
第二节 (15分,每小题1.5分)
61.      To pass              62.       If             
63.     mine             64.      has         
65.     was puzzled              66.      Actually         
67.     reached                 68.      who          
69.     smiling                   70.      either           
If you had a problem, what would you talk to? I usually talk to my best friend although we
                  who                                                  I 
don’t see her very often. She love to help and she is always there when I need her. I wish we could
see each other every day, so we can’t. Her parents have moved to America to start a newly life.
                    but                                              new
Luckily, it’s cheap to call each other on the phone nowadays than before, so we speak at least
twice week. She has promised to come and stayed with me this summer, although her parent 
   a                                                        stay                                                        parents
would like to take her on holiday. Maybe I’ll suggest to going with them instead, as l love
Possible version:
I’ve arrived home safe and sound. I miss you so much, and how I want to say “thank you” to your whole family. It was your help and kindness that made my stay in your country so enjoyable.
The beautiful scenery and rich traditional American culture impressed me a lot. And by communicating with you as well as other locals, I practiced my oral English so often that I can speak as fluently as a native speaker now. What a meaningful and unforgettable experience!
Have you received the Chinese dictionary? It’s a gift for you. I hope it will be of help to you in Chinese learning. I’m keenly expecting you to come to China soon.
Looking forward to your reply. 阳光高考门户 yggk.net 考后首发
                                                                      Li Hua