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   命题:罗凤英(宜昌市一中) 黄家清(夷陵中学) 李小小(葛洲坝中学)
  尹明泉(当阳一中)   邓永静(宜都一中) 杨红琴(枝江一中)
    审题: 朱学恒(宜昌市一中) 邹家宏(夷陵中学)
龚明星 (小溪塔高中)黄海燕(宜昌市教科院)
Text 1
W: May I take your order?
M: Yes. I’d like the chicken and a side order of corn.
W: And what would you like to drink?
M: I’d like a cup of coffee, please.
Text 2
M: How long does it take you to drive home when there is not much traffic?
W: Only twenty-five minutes. But if I can’t leave my office before 5:30 p.m., it sometimes takes me fifty minutes.
Text 3
M: Hello! May I speak to Mrs. Smith.?
W: Speaking.
M: This is P&G Company. You’re one of the lucky housewives chosen to receive our free soap.
W: That’s very nice of you. But I’d rather go on using what I’ve always used. Thanks just the same.
Text 4
M: I heard that you’ve moved to a new house. Is that right?
W: Actually, I didn’t want to move. The old one is much closer to my office and we get on well with our neighbors. But we have to as our children are growing up and they need their own space.
M: So that’s how it is.
Text 5
W: These toys cars are lovely. How much are they?
M: Ten yuan each or 17 yuan for the pair.
W: That’s not expensive. I will take four.
M: Thanks.
Text 6
W: Now, look. I do understand the rules, but I’m in a great hurry. If I’m to catch my flight, I just have to get on this train.
M: Well, you’ll have to go back to buy a ticket.
W: I can’t do that with all this heavy luggage! Can’t I get a ticket on the train?
M: Yes. But there’ll be an extra charge.
W: Well, I’ve got no choice, but I don’t think it’s fair.
Text 7
M: Susan, what are you going to do for your birthday?
W: I was hoping to have a party but most of my friends are too busy. Instead of eating out with my parent, I’ve accepted my sister’s offer to take me to a film.
M: Have you finished this term’s paper? Dr. White required us to hand it in before this Thursday.
W: Yes. Last week I thought I would have to spend my birthday sitting before the computer, but fortunately I have finished all my work now.
Text 8
M: Well, Helen? Why do you look unhappy?
W: Oh, Bill! I’ve just had a quarrel with Mr. Green.
M: Mr. Green! What on earth was it about?
W: I have made three mistakes so far this week. Today I forgot to give him an important message, so he got really angry with me.
M: How can it be? You are usually very careful and never make mistakes.
W: I’m just too tired. I don’t know what I’m doing.
M: Why? What seems to be the problem?
W: It’s my neighbor, the milkman next door. He has to get up at half past four every morning and he always turns the radio on loudly.
M: Ask him to turn it down then.
W: But I don’t know him yet.
M: If you don’t want to see him, writer him a letter.
W: That sounds good. I’ll try.

Text 9
W: Do your parents live close to you, Jeff?
M: Yes, my grandma does live close to here, so I actually saw her last weekend.
W: Nice. Do you like hanging out with your grandma?
M: You know it’s interesting. She travels all the time, and she goes to the theater. If I want to go shopping or see a play, she’s a great person to go with.
W: That’s cool. So she doesn’t act like a little old lady. She’s still really active.
M: Exactly. She grew up in New York, and she’s just really accustomed to the fast-paced life. So it’s just all about finding the right thing to do, just like with any friend. What do you like to do together?
W: I really love my grandparents, but there is a generation gap.
Text 10
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1-5 BCBAB    6-10 ABCBC    11-15 ABBCA    16-20 CACAA
第二部分:(共20 小题; 每小题2分,满分40分)
21—25 DBDCD  26—30 CABCD 31---35 CDADA 36—40 ADFCB
本文是应用文。文章主要介绍了Atlanta Moms机构下的三个暑期夏令营项目。
第一个是Tumbletots Summer Camp是为2到6岁的孩子设计的,分为夏令营(5月31号--8月31号)和春令营(4月4号--4月8号),活动包括艺术、音乐、故事和戏剧,有趣的室内活动(含月下漫步),每周都有马戏团、恐龙、火车等不同的主题,费用标准为每周50美金,三个及以上星期可以享受九折。
21.答案为:D本题为细节理解题,根据原文第二小段文字中的“▲$25 off when you mention AtlantaMoms.com”及第三小段文字中的“▲Mention AtlantaMoms.com when you call and get 25% off the first week.”可以得出答案。
22.题答案为B  根据文章第一段文字中的“Reasonable rates: $50/week    10% discount for 3 or more weeks”以及第二段文字中的“Camp rate: $150/week  ▲Mention AtlantaMoms.com when you call and get 25% off the first week.”可以得出答案
23题答案为D 第二段文字中的“The camp programs of Oriental culture in Kung Fu, arts & crafts, music appreciation, Chinese language, are used to stimulate the child’s natural enthusiasm…..   For more information: call 770-286-9808 可以得出答案。
24. 答案C。词句理解题。依据原句:长城有几千英里长,而北京部分只占一小部分,故选C项。
25. 答案D。细节理解题。依据文章最后一段可知答案应是D。
26. 答案C。推理判断题。依据第四段中的“The Forest Park to its north is twice the size of our Central Park in New York.”可以推知答案C。
28.B 从最后两段可知。
29.C 从第二段列举的事例可知。
30.D 从第四段最后一句可知。
32.D 根据第二段A bottle of fresh air from Weihai, East China's Shandong province, is priced 5 yuan at an online outlet called "Weihai Hongyu Diaoju."The imported air is more expensive. For example, the bottled air branded Vitality Air from Canada costs 108 yuan a bottle of 7.2 liters 可知。
33.A 根据第三段最后一句可知。
34.D根据第四段it was only to fulfill people's curiosity可知。
35.A 瓶装空气:炒作还是真正的交易,点题鲜明且问句吸引眼球。
七选五文章大意:美国当选总统特朗普的妻子在竞选演讲中抄袭了米歇尔·奥巴马的演讲, 该新闻很快为公众所知,进而引发了一场关于剽窃的讨论。
36.A 上面提到抄袭的新闻已经被广泛传播,下文应当提到公众对此的反应, 故A项最符合文意,且“students and teachers”与下文的“they”照应,故选A。
37.D 上文提到学生们刚入学时对抄袭的严重性认识不足, D项最符合文意, 即她让学生们知道问题的严重性。
38. F 上文提到了美国和西方的大学严禁抄袭,选项F又提到了斯坦福大学对剽窃的定义,很明显是在举例说明,故F选项与上下文衔接最紧密。
39.C 上文提到斯坦福大学的规定, 下文提到了这所大学的学生连自己的作品也不能重复提交,故规定的限制程度比斯坦福大学更严一些。
40.B由后面一句or at least可知前面的惩罚应该比后面的要严重,所以选B。
第三部分 完形填空
41. B。根据下文的“One more day to … before the deadline. ”而第二天是星期二,可推出答案为Wednesday。也可根据常识,感恩节在星期四推断出答案。
42.A。根据下文的thankful, grateful 等内容可以得出答案A。
43.D。根据后面句子“Ninety equals an A, eighty is a B, seventy is a C, and so on. ”可看出是由列出的项目的多少决定成绩的等级。
44.D。 由下一句“Justin looked at his average house on his average street. ”可以看出,Justin认为不可能找到这么多值得感恩的东西。
46.A。 put down “写下”,put forward “提出”;put up “举起、张贴”; put away“把…….收好”。
47.C。 一整天也没有写出多少,所以是疲惫不堪地睡觉去。故选frustrated。
49.C。 由前面的寻找值得感恩的东西这个任务和后一句“Over the years, People have worked hard to contribute to our society. ”可推出老师提醒他们去找一些美好的事物。
50.B。 而值得我们感恩的内容肯定是让我们受益了的。所以选benefit。
51.A。 Justin的爸爸在园子里种菜激发了他的灵感,故选 inspired。
52.D。 已经找到了90多,可以获得A等成绩,让Justin 松了口气。故选“relieved”
53.C。 如果要达到100个项目只有一天时间了,所以选get to。
54.C。 对于妈妈的建议,Justin说“For me?”看出他感到难以相信。
55.A。 反问这算不算。count“算数”。
56.D。 妈妈不舒服,提出由Justin来安排晚餐,所以是由他负责,故选“in charge of”。
57.B。 披萨外卖。“delivery”快递,快送的意思。
61. to be found     62. a  63. how      64. has    65. One/it
66. which  67. unnecessary 68. patients 69. (more)easily  70. Spending
61. to be found. 考查it takes time for sb. to do. sth. 因为疾病是被发现,所以还要注意用被动。
62. a。考查不定冠词。 There is a way to do sth.  
63. how。考查连接词。此处引导宾语从句,后接形容词,所以用how。       
64. has。考查一般现在时。本空所在句子为定语从句,that指代the person,所以是单数,谓语用单数。    
65. one/it。考查代词。One/it指代a body scan。
66. Which。考查的是非限制性定从。      
67. unnecessary。考查形容词。根据上下文,此处应指不必要的担忧。      
68. patients。考查名词。patients与doctors并列,指医生和病人都是受益对象。    
69. (more)easily。此处考查副词修饰treated,故填副词或比较级。     
70. spending。考查动名词作宾语的用法。
The person who touched me most is a unknown lady.
I study in a town school and live in a village 20 km away. One afternoon,  I
received a call from my family saying my mom was serious ill. I hurried to the bus
station, only to find the last bus left. Feeling anxious, I decided to walk home. In the
                         had                                  On
way a car stopped and the driver asked me that if I needed help. Worried about being
cheated, I said nothing. But she was such honest that I finally accepted her offer.
When we arrived at my village, it was dark. Seen her car out of sight, I was in tear.
                                   Seeing                      tears
Whenever I think about him, I always feel grateful.
One Possible Version
Dear Mr Smith,
How is everything going on with you?  I’m writing to seek for your help. 
I bought a mobile phone from a foreign website last week. To my disappointment, it didn’t function as well as the salesgirl had described. Worse still, it didn’t ring or send short messages, which was far beyond my expectations. Shocked and angry, I’m determined to write a letter of complaint to the relevant department in the hope that the matter could be solved as soon as possible. However, I am not quite sure of the language and the format I’ve used. Therefore, I’d be very grateful if you could take some time to go through them and make necessary changes. Please check my complaint letter in the attachment.
An early response would be appreciated.

                                                   Yours sincerely,

                                                   Li  Hua.

   0分 未能传达任何信息;所写内容与要求无关。