Applied Chemistry Brief Introduction

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Applied Chemistry Brief Introduction

Applied Chemistry
Brief Introduction
Applied Chemistry is a key program at NEFU. With organic polymer materials as the main direction, it aims to cultivate high quality innovative talents with profound theoretical knowledge and processing-and-manufacturing skills in engineering polymer materials, functional polymer materials and inorganic functional materials who can fill various positions of technology development, production and management, scientific research and teaching in the fields of chemistry, polymer materials, and inorganic materials.
1. Applied Chemistry has a high-quality faculty team. All have Ph.D.s, and over 50% have overseas study experiences.
2. It has a high-level research team. Most teachers have undertaken a number of high-level research projects including National Natural Science Foundation projects and Heilongjiang provincial key projects etc.
3. It has characteristic research areas that lead academic frontiers in China, such as research in eco-friendly flame-retardant polymer materials, research in membrane technology and its application in forest products separation and water treatment.
Students’ Prospect
Postgraduate Recommendation
Students with excellence in study achievements and comprehensive quality will be recommended to other key universities in China for postgraduate degrees.
Postgraduate Application
With the cultivation in Applied Chemistry, each year nearly 40% of students will apply for degrees so as to continue their interests in scientific research.
Most students will choose to be employed in the chemistry or chemical-technology related enterprises. 
Specialists’ View 
Chemistry is an important branch of science and technology. Programs with emphases in theoretical research in Chemistry are for those students with strong interest in the law of natural science, esp. in chemical phenomena; programs with emphases in application of Chemistry into all walks of life are for those knowledge-skill-and-employment orientated ones. Applied Chemistry at NEFU mainly focuses on polymer materials. In addition to the learning of Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, students will need to have Polymer Chemistry and Polymer Physics as well as the theoretical studies and experiments in polymer processing. With the knowledge and skills, graduates can be employed in enterprises related to polymer materials processing and can also be admitted to the chemistry and chemical technology related key universities and institutes for degrees.
About the Specialist
Professor, Shi Baoli is a Postgraduate Supervisor, Chairperson of Applied Chemistry, an expert on Membrane Separation and an Excellent Postgraduate Supervisor.
Students’ View
Applied Chemistry is a key program at NEFU. It has a high-quality faculty team. It offers to students not only the basic knowledge of Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, but also the knowledge of Polymer Chemistry. With the well selected first-class textbooks, students can learn profound knowledge; with the well-equipped laboratories, students can take first-class experimental trainings. With the theoretical knowledge and excellent experimental trainings, all students in Applied Chemistry are highly competitive in job markets and in postgraduate recommendation and application. As of me, after 4 years of study in Applied Chemistry, I was admitted to Northeast Normal University for Master’s Degree and Doctoral Degree successively. With that, I know how well Applied Chemistry at NEFU is in its teaching, research and talents cultivation.